Monday, July 27, 2009

If life is a highway..then give me the service road!

So, to explain my title..some days I feel like the world is all passing me by, like on a highway. When you're driving on a highway you are going at a high rate of speed, well that would be me, and you are cruising along, passing the slow drivers, enjoying the "wind in your hair". Then other times, I feel like I'm am on the sidelines (service road) watching everyone else pass by, living their lives being carefree!

I guess being a busy mother to 3 awesome kids, I kinda get lost in all of their activities, household chores, taking care of everything! I look around and it feels like I have missed out on life..but have I really? life IS my kids, family and the hubby! Would I change it for the world? NO. I love my life, love my hubby, love my kids! Others may pass me by on life's highway, but I'm ok with going slow on the "service road".

Even though some days I wish that the laundry would fold itself, dishes just jump in the dishwasher, bathrooms disinfect themselves, but that will never happen, and I've come to the realization that I guess I don't mind doing all that! That's my job, to make sure my kids and hubby are well taken care of, and our comfortable in their own home! The kids are growing up way to fast, and I just need to enjoy every moment, take it slow on the service road. Why be on the busy highway of life? You become numb to people around you, experiences around you. But on the "service road" you get to enjoy life around you, enjoy the experiences around you!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer's End

In two weeks starts the beginning of another school year! WOW, has the summer flown by! We have had a great summer, starting off with Keg's birthday at the end of May, can't believe he's 8! Then, I took the kiddos down to FL so Keg's could go to camp for the week with his cousin T. It is the same camp that we went to growing up then I worked there for 2 summers while in HS. We didn't have it nearly as nice as what Keg's had it! Air conditioned cabins, waterslides, a chapel that actually had walls to! He had a great time and asked if he could go again next summer!
K and C and I went to the beach almost everyday while Keg's was at camp. It's funny how when you live there you never go, but when you're there all the time! K loved the ocean..C not so much, she would stand there with her arm floaties on just look at the ocean, if you would try to take the floaties off..oh my! Not happening! My wonderful sis let us invade her home for a week and a half...I'm sure they were thrilled to see us go:) I spent our 9yr anniversary down there...without KJ..he came that weekend. We watched our wedding video..which was nice, since we hadn't seen it! Then we came home for our big 4th of July culd-e-sac party! Those are always fun..we had about 40 people, I think that counted the kids too. We rented a big waterslide again, like we did last year, it was a great day, great weather and great friends!
Then the following weekend, I drove the kids up to NC so they could spend the week with KJ's parents, but while I was there we had a surprise 60th birthday party for dad! It went so well..he was surprised, and the rest of us got a surprise from my grandparents who were there! It was great to see Grandpa Joe, and G & G Waddle! Then, I drove back by myself to GA on that Sunday and left the kids up there...fully suprivised of course! They had the best time...completely spoiled!!
Now we are back to "normalcy"...kiddos go back to school on the 3rd and I return back to work the following week! Amazing how time is flying by! Remember when we were kids and the summers seem to last forever, and we had no worries or cares! Ahhh...ok, snap out of it! Back to reality of doing laundry, feeding kiddos every hour it seems, taking care of the house, endless chores...but I love every minute, even though I may not show it..I wouldn't have life any other way...ok..and occasionally nap will help, but is grand!